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Melissa Smith for a Thriving Montana
Melissa Smith for a Thriving Montana

“People make the profit. By restoring the common good, all communities can thrive!”

Who Is Melissa?

Hi – I’m Melissa Smith – I currently live and work in Great Falls, Montana.

I was raised in Havre, and my Summers were spent with my grandparents in the Flathead Valley. I received a first-class education here, from Kindergarten – High School in Havre, through my BA from UofM in Missoula.

I have been involved in community organizing, running individual campaigns, and non-profits of all kinds since my University days. I have enjoyed that work immensely; however, I am now seeking a seat at the table where laws are made and budgets passed. Our values are reflected by where our money gets spent.

My campaign focuses on three core issues: Conservation, with an emphasis on clean air, water use, public lands access and wildlife habitat; Quality public education, including pre-school education for all Montana students; and re-imagining Public Safety, wherein we protect our communities by emphasizing affordable housing, public health, food security, restorative justice and reducing violent crime.

Current Affiliations

  • Board President, Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art
  • Secretary, Cascade County Democratic Central Committee
  • Secretary, Montana State Music Teachers Association,
    Great Falls Chapter
  • Staff Pianist for:
  • Great Falls Public Schools
  • Great Falls Symphony
  • Church of the Incarnation
  • Faith Lutheran Church
  • Melissa is also an acting Member of:
  • Great Falls Downtown Development Partnership/Downtown Safety Alliance
  • Montana Sierra Club
  • Montana Conservation Voters
  • Citizens for Clean Energy
  • Citizens Climate Lobby

Board President, Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art

Secretary, Cascade County Democratic Central Committee

Secretary, Montana State Music Teachers Association, Great Falls Chapter

Staff Pianist for:

Great Falls Public Schools

Great Falls Symphony

Church of the Incarnation

Faith Lutheran Church

Melissa is also an acting Member of:

Great Falls Downtown Development Partnership/Downtown Safety Alliance

Montana Sierra Club

Montana Conservation Voters

Citizens for Clean Energy

Citizens Climate Lobby

Melissa’s Vision
and the Core Issues She’ll Fight For

The Preservation and Conservation of Public Lands

Clean Air and Water

Wildlife Habitat

Public Access

Clean Energy Jobs

Quality Public Education

Pre-school Through Graduate Degrees

Advocating for Two-Year and Vocational Programs

Public Safety

Restoring the Common Good

Food Security

Protection for the Vulnerable

Latest News and Updates

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In The Press

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